Saturday 10 March 2018

Biscuit Tin Nonsense

Fluffy (with Walkers product placement)
taking tea in his office before Parliamentary Questions
Here we go. Scotland the Brand (or not as the case may be) is on our lips. Again!

There’s been plenty comment about supermarkets like Tesco and others putting the Union Jack on goods previously branded with the Saltire. Not to mention the National Trust for Scotland’s branding debacle when they tried to prevent the Scottish place name, Glencoe, from continuing to be used by a local clothing manufacturer. As it turns out, they own the name along with Culloden and Bannockburn.

It seems to me some kind of misappropriation is going on. I use the term ‘misappropriation’ because I don’t have a problem with that thing some call ‘cultural appropriation’. In relation to Scottish stuff, I really don’t mind lending our mythologies and identities to the wider world.

But ‘misappropriation’. How disrespectful. That’s another thing entirely…